Media Corner

The story of the Military Holiday Card Challenge has gone viral!

The Holiday Card Challenge story has been featured in local, regional, and national  newpapers, radio stations,  websites, and all major TV Networks  and  many cable stations  across the country. We are always available for interviews, to collaborate with media, and love to share our stories. 

Samples of these audio and video clips are available for you to view and share with others below:

ABC News Tonight with David Muir

#AmericaStrong features the Holiday Card Challenge


CBS This Morning

features The Holiday Card Challenge



Dr. Laura speaks about the Holiday Cards for our Military Challenge on WMUR TV
Jul 5, 2020

Live! With Kelly and Ryan

The Holiday Card Challenge goes to NYC with Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest
August 31,2020

Eye On New Hampshire WZID

Listen to Laura and Marga Bessette talk about the new Cards2Connect Program with US Senator Maggie Hassan as well as about the 2020 Holiday Card CHallenge! WZID 95.7 Manchester Radio Group June 2020

Senator Maggie Hassan

Watch Dr. Laura discuss the Challenge with US Senator Maggie Hassan
15 November, 2019

CBS News

Dr. Laura is interviewed by the Nicole Sganga from CBS News
11 November, 2019


Watch this excellent, brief collage summarizing the Challenge program on A-Plus TV
5 December, 2019

CNN Estados Unidos

abuela quiere felicitar a 100.000 soldados por su trabajo
11 November, 2019


Listen to Dr. Laura describe the Challenge on WMUR TV
November, 2019

Veterans Television Network

Watch Dr. Laura on Veterans Television Network sharing the story of the Holiday Cards 4 Our MIlitary Challenge and the many opportunities to learn about our Veterans and their Families on the Veteran Television Network.
Pittsburgh, PA.
December 2019

WMUR ABC News Clip

Featuring The Holiday Cards for our Military Challenge
14 December, 2021


New Hampshire Chronicle: The military holiday card challenge
18 August, 2021

Jewish Chronicle

Former Pittsburgher uses cards to remind soldiers their service matters
19 August, 2021


Cards Received With Gratitude

The success of The Holiday Card Challenge is visible in the smiles and notes of gratitude received back from active duty warriors.

The card recipients can not reply directly to the card signers. They are often working in combat zones without easy access to public communications or in places that cannot be publicly disclosed. We feel their gratitude and send them love and respect and support.

2022 launched the QR CODE opportunity to open a feedback loop for our Warriors and their Families. Each card is bundled with a QR CODE that allows our Troops, Veterans, & their Families to directly upload photos of themselves and their fellow Warriors with your wonderful cards. Please join the HOLIDAY CARD CHALLENGE Facebook Page to see their smiling faces! 



During the Covid Pandemic, Dr. Landerman-Garber teamed up with U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (NH) to create the #cards2connect Challenge. By writing notes and cards to our Veterans who had been isolated during the Pandemic, our Veterans in hospitals, assisted living and nursing home communities, they were reminded of our care and appreciation for their Service.

#cards2connect  is a sister-platform to send cards,  not only to our Veterans, but also to our Service Famiies and to those US Military Members who serve our Country in a variety of ways. Cards had been sent to Military helping with the vaccine rollouts, those stationed at the US Capitol and US Embassies, and to those young enlistees and new officers who are at training camps within the United States. Service Families and their loved ones in the Military  receive cards-of-care as they reconnect  after deployment and training. 


Holiday Card Challenge Over the Years

The heart and soul of the Card Challenge belongs to the millions  of card creators and signers from sea to shining sea! From the youngest to our senior citizens , from all walks of life, religions, ages, political parties and modern families. Their hard work coupled with their generous hearts make up the countless volunteer hours and result in a “mission accomplished”! The Gallery is filled with many who were part of the Village that came together and got the job done. They did it with grace and joy, dedication and kindness!

Become a Supporter

Promoting the Challenge, purchasing, boxing and shipping holiday greetings by the ton around the globe costs money.

Monetary donations in support of these and related costs will be gratefully received.