Hard to beleive that it is already October! The Holiday CArds are coming in from all over the Country! Just today I wrote thank you notes to card signers in Washington, Texas, North CArolina, Virginia, Indiana , California, New Hampshire, Maryland , DC, Alabama, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Florida. And thats just today! Please keep them coming and tell your friends, family and colleagues. It’s as simple as folding a piece of paper in half and writing a message ( Check out the GUidelines on the website) . It is always amazing to see all the different kinds of cards that are sent in. Your cards make a huge difference to our deployed Troops. TRust me on that!
Check out all the new drop stations in New Hampshire and please know that my trips to the Post Office are always fun because your cards are being mailed into the PO Box 103 Hollis NH 03049!
I want to personally applaud all the amazing school communities that are joining in. Despite the pandemic, educators and administrators across the USA are embracing the Card Challenge and students from preschool through university are joining in, remembering that Community Service is a feel-good do-good activity for all!
ALso, how amazing is it that large companies such as BAE, ADP, Eversource, and Walmart are joining in with company card signing and with donations! I just love their commitment to Community Service and to our beloved Military Heroes . And I am so grateful for the smaller local businesses and individuals and Service CLubs like ROtary and Lions Clubs for signing cards and making donations
EVERY CARD COUNTS. PLease sign one or sign 10 or 100… EAch one of your cards will bring a smile to our Troops.
Contact me if you have any questions!! You can do that here right on the website or email me at holidaycardsnh@gmail.com
A special thank you goes out to all the viewers of Live with Kelly and Ryan who watched the Good News Segment on 8/31 and are still sending in cards I am thinking that “Ellen” and Kelly Clarkson might want in on this good news… let them know and that might just mean more cards for our Troops!
Keep in touch and check out this Update Page for all of the latest on the Holiday Card Challenge
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16 OCTOBER 2020. Had a great day with WMUR ABC Reporter RAy Brewer and CAmerman Chris McDevitt at the HOllis Pharmacy Store. WMUR has embraced the Card CHallenge from the beginning and has been the force behind sharing the story all over NH and across the COUntry, After all, it was WMUR footage that David Muir on ABC World News used when sharing the stories in an AMerica Strong segment!
And thank you to also to Pharmacist Andrew and his Staff for always being there, gathering up cards and provided one of the original home bases for free cards to be picked up and dropped off! ALso, nothing like calling a friend and asking them to be camera ready in a five minutes time frame. AL Fulchino of Fulchino Vineyards jumping in to help! ALso THankyou AL for your generous donation for postage!!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to the complexities of Covid and the wonderful opportunities of our upcoming Veterans DAy, the deadline has been extended to NOVEMEBER 15, 2020 ! And I am just saying… wouldn’t it be great to get extra holiday cards this year to spend some of your snow-bound. Covid-inside time this winter to write cards for next year?
Keep in touch LML-G