Exciting news. From the Holiday Card Challenge! As of last week, ALL 50 STATES HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE HOLIDAY CARDS 4 OUR MILITARY CHALLENGE!! Eighteen years ago when I plopped down five cards at each place setting at my Thanksgiving table and asked everyone to write cards to our Troops, I had several goals:
- Teach my children a lesson in gratitude and the joy of do-good-feel-good community service
- Increase awareness of the “who, what, where, when, and why” regarding our US Military and to provide a platform to have discussions about who in our communities are in the Military, Veterans, and are Service Families.
- To hopefully one day engage others “across state lines” and to challenge all Americans to join in to send cards of care and holiday cheer to our Troops, Veterans, and their Families.
Mission accomplished and so much more! Americans have the most generous hearts and have stepped up to join in on the Holiday Card Challenge. From the youngest of tots to our treasured Seniors. From the fella on the street to those in the White House and US Capitol, beautiful messages of appreciation have been written. During the height of the Pandemic, school teachers and students rolled up their sleeves and were incredible in their creativity to create and to send cards!
KEEP ‘EM COMING! It did not surprise me to receive emails and messages and calls to “PLEASE EXTEND THE DEADLINE!” I hear you all and it is done. I know that so many of you write cards during Veterans Day Week-FANTASTIC! I know that so many of you write cards during the Thanksgiving holiday-WONDERFUL! I know that so many of you sit down and write cards in December-SPECTACULAR! I promise you that your cards will get to our Troops, whether overseas or deployed stateside!
Some of the drop stations in New Hampshire will not be available after the first week in November. There is always a drop box in front of the Hollis Pharmacy and General Store. If that location is not an option or if you can not mail them to me, please contact me at holidaycardsnh@gmail.com in order to brainstorm the best way to get your cards to me. THe address for USPS is Laura Landerman Garber PO Box 103 Hollis NH 03049 and UPS/FedEx is Laura Landerman Garber Suite 407. 400 AMherst Street Nashua NH 03063.
KEEP ‘EM COMING!!! I have always said that #EVERYCARDCOUNTS and I am sticking to that motto!!
#ITTAKESAVILLAGE and what a awesome village we all have together!